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Lay Leadership

Parish life is about living generously our vocation as Christians and Catholics. It is about love, trust, honesty, integrity, faith and hope. It leads us to stewardship and compels us to share with others the most valuable things we possess: time, talent and treasure — indeed, our very selves. So, let us love one another as profoundly as God first loved us through the sending of the Son to bring redemption to our world. If you’re interested in serving on any of these councils or committees and working to bring about change in our Parish and community, please contact the Parish Office at (303) 455-3613.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is an administrative and collaborative body of St. Dominic Parish. The Council serves the pastor in a consultative capacity and exists to support the pastor and his staff to accomplish the goals of the parish.

Ministry Outreach Committee

St. Dominic is a Stewardship Parish and has committed to share its limited resources with the wider community. This committee researches and makes recommendations of worthy organizations and causes for the Parish to support financially, with an emphasis on the needs of the greater Denver metro area.

Finance Council

The Finance Council consults with the pastor and the Business & Finance Manager in supporting and promoting the financial well-being of the Parish.

Hispanic Council

The Hispanic Council collaborates with the pastor and parochial vicar to guide and serve the needs of the hispanic community of the Parish. The Council is led by Deacon Antonio Guerrero.

Art & Environment Committee

The members of this committee give their time and talent to enhance our liturgical experience through signs and symbols. Our Director of Liturgy & Music, Gerard DiMartini, spearheads this effort.

Liturgy & Prayer Committee

This committee brings the assemblies of St. Dominic to prayer and God through the enhancement of the liturgies. The Liturgy Committee serves the community by providing for the planning of the celebration of the liturgy and services, the training of new liturgical ministers and the ongoing formation of all liturgical ministers at the annual Liturgical Ministers’ Day. The committee is concerned with education in the liturgy and the coordination of all elements of the liturgical life here at St. Dominic. Generally, this committee meets the third Tuesday of the month.